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发布于 2024-05-26 10:00 阅读(

improve the investment
optimize investment
optimize the investment
optimize your investment
optimization of investments
Second, we will maintain rapid growth in investment and improve the investment structure.
(九) 双方表示将积极推动扩大双边金融合作,进一步发展本国金融市场,优化投资环境。
The parties declare that they will actively promote the expansion of financial cooperation, continue to develop their own financial markets, and improve the investment climate.
Linchuan County Party Committee optimize investment climate in propaganda and ideological work, accelerate economic and social continued healthy development.
How will it further optimize investment portfolios, improve investment capabilities in consistent with the characteristics of insurance funds, and seize investment opportunities for top projects worldwide?
Financial, tax, securities regulatory authorities should improve the trading and dividends and other related tax system, optimize the investment environment.
adhere to expand investment and optimize the investment structure of "two measures" to promote economic and social development.
This is a practical tool which helps banks in functional areas such as optimizing investment decisions and portfolios.
These risks and the current potential opportunities provide impetus for proposing an alternative strategy aimed at optimizing investment and providing greater value and security to the Organization.
It is essential to appropriately control the scale of fixed asset investment and improve the investment structure.
维修的作用可以概括为"增加利润、节省原材料、优化投资回报、延长设备的使用寿命、减少生产费用、避免事故和技术性灾难 "。
The role of maintenance can be summarized as increasing profits, saving raw materials, optimizing investment returns, prolonging the service life of equipment, reducing production costs, avoiding accidents and technical disasters. .
We will maintain fixed asset investment at an appropriate scale, continue to encourage the growth of some sectors while discouraging the expansion of others, improve the investment structure and prevent breakneck growth in investment.
We will accelerate reform of the investment and financing systems; encourage more parties to make investment; launch more demonstration projects involving private investment; improve the investment structure; and maintain proper growth in fixed-asset investment.
We will maintain an appropriate rate of growth for fixed asset investment. We will improve the investment mix to increase returns on investment.
The platform will bring together like-minded partners, integrate resources (people, networks, funds), optimize investment portfolios, build strengths, avoid weaknesses (respect for professionalism and rules), and work together.
The Board reviewed all 38 reports submitted by National Committees and noted that 15 reports had a return on investment lower than that expected by more than 10 per cent, but with no evidence that UNICEF carried out any review to optimize investment revenue
City, county (city) District People's government supervisory organs shall strengthen the supervision to optimize the investment environment, in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, beyond the limits of its functions and powers shall be to the people's government at the corresponding level or to the supervisory organ at the level proposed the opinion or suggestion.
China's Procuratorate, as the national legal supervision organ under the Constitution, is obligatory to perform the statutory duties in fighting crimes and publishing corruptions by operation of law, where giving play to the following roles on the aspect of maintaining market order, optimizing investment environment and assuring the healthy development of economy and society
Finance continue to allocate 11 million yuan as the early stage of the special funds of funds, focus on the development of ecological agriculture, silver products deep processing, logistics, transportation and airport industry of preparation and conservation project, to speed up the lianjiang south gate to the north station, substation to development zone, valley (avenue C segment to cement plant, in the east side door to the west gate and so on highway project prophase work, further optimize the investment structure.
Entering 2015, how will Fosun deepen complete industry chain investment, and enhance industrial consolidation in the three sectors of Healthcare, leisure and recreation, and bulk commodities based on its existing advantages to close the "Fosun industry loop"; and how will it further optimize investment portfolios, improve investment capabilities in consistent with the characteristics of insurance funds, and seize investment opportunities for top projects worldwide?
We will strive to improve the investment structure.
